Provide a default map-scale preference setting for group location map
When I switch between groups, my map scale reverts back to world even though it is a pedestrian neighborhood group. This quickly becomes a nuisance time waster.
On the page where a group's location is set, there should be a way to also set the default map scale view for the group. This would be especially useful when, for example, switching between a local group and a parent wide-area group for the whole city.

Andrew Brown commented
I can imagine cases for both. The auto inference would make the most sense for starters.
Manually saved default view may be preferable over auto-infer in cases where there is one outlier or someone who misreported their position with only city center or state or something that keeps skewing the view.Remember there is no sacrifice of time in defining a default view for each group since if I am doing so it is because I otherwise have to redefine the view manually *every* time I log in. So doing it once and saving is no trouble at all in comparison.
Also, I prefer the views to be saved by group rather than as a general account preference. I am using it for CERT and the groups are defined by hierarchy i.e. one group encompasses many smaller groups. When viewing the smaller group, I naturally want to zoom in.
Adminedjez (Admin, GeoChat) commented
Hi Andrew- thx for your feedback. Try clicking on 'save view' on the 'Views' menu in the top right of the map - This will become your new default and you can revert to it with one click after zooming/panning around manually to explore other areas. an option would be to have the zoom change to automatically include all posts in that group so you would naturally get the neighborhood/city effect.
Would you be willing to take the time to explicitly define the viewport for each group or would you rather GeoChat tried to infer it automatically?